Posted in Originals, Poetry

why am i hung on you even as others find me a goddess & my love a blessing | moving on

I sometimes dont understand
why am i stuck on you when
every man i am ever with
always makes me feel like a blessing
on his sad sad life
i admit i am always attracted
to sad souls in need of love like mine
i dont pride myself as a great lover
or even a love giver
but these starved souls somehow found me
all of them wanting so much love
i too would give them all i had
made them feel like a god was smiling on them
someone divine who was on earth
answering the prayers of their broken hearts
and sapped souls
to love and nurture and refill them with
juices of life they had long left behind
on their way to learning to live in this harsh, harsh world
i may not be the prettiest or the safest lover
but i am pretty safe for these men
when in bed they make me feel like a goddess
whose love is renewing their life
and i do mean to be all that and more
to the man i am with
then why does it come back to you
every time, when alone
why does your face return before my eyes
welling them up in more glorious ways every time
(i now think the scars you have left behind
need deeper wounds to forget
the one you left behind)
somehow pain finds itself in my bed
night after night, either yours or theirs
i dont know why it is always ‘yours or theirs’
like they were a group and you were the lone wolf
why is it so – who are you and who are they
one of them says we are a whole parliament in ourselves
and let’s just say my parliament wholeheartedly concurs
that it’s you
while the others gather a good majority in their favor
you have won most of my hearts
maybe all of them especially by breaking a few of them
and the remaining were won by the distance
you put between us, the eternal optimists
filled the empty spaces with imaginations of
such a fulfilling love
no reality could possibly match up
and yet i try…it’s all i can do
so i try

how we forget to value ourselves when heartbroken today’s words are dedicated to this self pity and lack of self worth helping our broken hearts find a way to mend itself whole by loving other broken hearted people for only new memories could help us forget old memories or atleast rewrite on their disc space in hopes of us forgetting them one day if you could relate do hit the like button and show some love in the comments xx